Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i am single and i am not complaining!

so...its valentine's day am not complaining....not at all.I am so happy the way I am...single and unavailable!..:)....Life's so much better than those stupid "boyfriends"...not like i've had any so far,but every time i see my friends with their respective bf's....i pity them....for they don't seem to have a life of their own....except a few of course....who are genuinely serious.The rest only tend to show off,or are in a relationship only for the heck does feel lonely sometimes.....but then there is so much in life than those phone calls,flying kisses,gifts....and god knows what not!.....I might think its a case of sour grapes, but really....being single makes me feel happy and most of all independent! freedom is all i seek ...freedom is all i need!....
I mean....I have time for friends,family,studies,sketching,watching t.v.(f.r.i.e.n.d.s. and f.r.i.e.n.d.s. alone!),for dreaming.....for doing everything i like. I mean....when in a so-called relationship....all people do is, talk to each other and only with each other......they call up after every five minutes!.....I wonder what they talk!!??.....they keep each other updated??.....even about the loo and stuff???...that's ridiculous! They literally breathe down each other's neck!....they don't have time for their friends who once they used to hang out with.....but whatever....though ,being a teenager,i've once wanted to jump on the 'relationship' bandwagon(and quite desperately) i really realize how silly that was.Not that i am against any of this...but life is so beautiful even without it.People in love forget that there is a world beyond 'their hunky-dory world'.For the time being they almost stop admiring the world around them.And when you are alone...or should i say single.....there's so much in life to much to enjoy being oneself.....!
So bottom line is.....If you are alone on valentine's day.....worry not guys!.....there is so much fun you can are independent! you are free!....isn't that a reason enough to be happy and celebrate???!!


That Woman said...

hey...nice post!even i have written something on a similar topic sometime back!seems like u love ur do i..actually who doesnt?..hehe!